Prices are rising, wages are falling, profits are soaring – support the RMT

JVL Introduction

A must-watch inspiring edition of TyskySour with Barnaby Raine and Moya Lothian-McLean puts the RMT strike in proper perspective.

Raine’s opening words set the scene: “Prices are rising, wages are falling, profits are soaring. Will this be our future or will we choose a different one? Workers have started to fight back…

Eddie Dempsey, RMT Assistant General Secretary explains the basic issues underlying the strike and Raine and Lothian-McLean provide a wider political framing.

This is a class issue explains Raine: “In a strike, just for a moment, workers take back control. A whole social order that relies on its underlings producing wealth they don’t control is suddenly a bit more transparent when those workers flex their power.”

Keir Starmer is rightly taken to task for his pathetic response to the strike; and you can revisit the best moments of Mick Lynch’s TV appearances where he leaves the interviewers rueing their encounters with him!

An object lesson is how to talk about strikes, grassroots power and joining up the struggles

This article was originally published by Novara Media on Wed 22 Jun 2022. Read the original here.

RMT's Eddie Dempsey On Strikes; Mick Lynch Takes On The Media


Comments (1)

  • George Peel says:

    A quick note, to Toby Elwood :

    I’ve served. Twenty-three years. I support the RMT Union – 100%.

    Solidarity, with the @RMTunion!


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