Palestinian poetry celebration – and cancellation – in Manchester

Greater Manchester Friends of Palestine protest outside HOME, 30 March 2024

JVL introduction

Under pressure from the local Jewish Representative Council, the Manchester’s progressive art centre, HOME cancels a celebration of Palestinian writing.

Robert Lizar reports from Manchester for JVL:

This April, we’re celebrating Palestinian voices, with readings from “Don’t Look Left” by  @atefabusaif, plus other poetry & writing, performed by special guests Ahmed Nehad, Shamshad Khan,@kamilashamsie, Maxine Peake, Kingsley Ben-Adir & others. 

WARNING: If you were hoping to share in the above celebration of Palestinian voices at Manchester’s progressive art centre, HOME, on 22nd April – you can forget it. After a letter from the local Jewish Representative Council (JRC) which made utterly unfounded allegations against the author Atef Abu Saif, the venue caved in and silenced those voices – without even contacting the Palestinian writers and the performers for their response. The event had been titled “Voices of Resilience” and was to reflect the strength of character and steadfast endurance of Palestinians facing murderous bombardment and famine over 6 long months. In contrast, the resilience of the venue after being bombarded with a single letter lasted only 24 hours.

They cancelled.

HOME cited concerns for the safety of staff and visitors rather than their own political cowardice. Even the JRC rejected this embarrassing excuse, saying they welcomed the cancellation, but added “HOME Theatre has stated it is cancelling the event due to fears for the safety of its staff and customers. There is absolutely no reason for HOME Theatre to state they have “safety concerns”.

So why did they cancel Palestinian voices? The answer is sadly, predictable – the effect of McCarthyite fears persistently generated around evidence-free claims of antisemitism and Holocaust denial.

In 2022 Saif made comparisons between the Holocaust and actions by the Israeli government – comparisons which some may find distressing, but you would hope less distressing than the real-world events of a plausible genocide and the killing of 14,000 children. Once again, the issue of dubious allegations of antisemitism has been promoted at the expense of the voices of Palestinians facing death.

The complaint sent by the JRC to HOME referred to an article by Saif from 22 August 2022 in Al-Ayyam newspaper which they claimed was evidence of antisemitism and Holocaust denial. Except, that wasn’t what he said.

Rather than deny the Holocaust, he said the exact opposite:

“Hitler’s crimes against humanity cannot be forgiven or tolerated. They may be unprecedented in history in terms of their ugliness… As Palestinians, this is a fact we have not denied and will never deny. We are a people who suffer injustice, massacres, killing and displacement. We cannot accept something similar that happened to others and say it is right.”

The JRC also referred to comments alleged to have been made by Saif in 2014 that “Israel surpassed Hitler’s massacres”. While many will believe comparisons with Hitler are often offensive and rarely illuminating, these words would clearly refer to the behaviour of the Israeli state and would not be a criticism of Jews – a crucial distinction which is clouded by the discredited IHRA “definition” of antisemitism. (See the lucid critique of this definition in Tony Lerman’s meticulously researched book, “Whatever happened to antisemitism? “, Pluto Press 2022). 

HOME claimed that it was a “politically neutral space”. The issue of neutrality is a topic for another discussion, but as many have pointed out, to remain neutral in the face of oppression is to take the side of the oppressor.

A local Jewish resident challenged HOME as follows:

“To treat the JRC as speaking for all Manchester Jews is to homogenise an already marginalised and minoritised group. As a longstanding Manchester resident who is Jewish, and who has supported HOME events regularly, I feel offended and alienated by the JRC claiming to speak for me in its position on current events in Israel/Palestine. Like many other Jews in Manchester, I share the view that there is indeed a genocide happening to Palestinians, perpetrated by the Israeli state, and that the atrocities of October 7th arose in the context of 75 years of occupation and oppression. The planned event would have been a balanced public acknowledgement of the resilience of Palestinians in face of their current hardships.”

HOME’s response to that has, so far, been more silence.

Saif’s publishers released a statement refuting the allegations and pointing out that he is an award-winning writer, who has previously spoken at Hay Festival, Shubbak Festival, Manchester Literature Festival, and other high-profile events. He has been supported by English PEN, and held events in Jewish-focussed bookshops. He has been the Minister of Culture for the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank since 2019, and his first-hand accounts of the current genocide have been published in multiple mainstream newspapers: New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, Le Monde, and so on.

His latest book was favourably reviewed by Helena Kennedy KC in “The Guardian” 2 weeks ago.

To be charitable, in the current climate it is possible for bodies whose funding is precarious to be easily panicked into rapid decision making for fear of adverse publicity. But there is no excuse for not keeping a calm head and demanding to see any concrete evidence and then to put that evidence to those who have been accused, so that the allegations can be assessed for their validity.

An obvious red flag in the JRC letter was its emphatic dismissal of the genocide against the Palestinians by Israel as “a lie.” Of course, the JRC is entitled to its view on this, but HOME should have been aware that the International Court of Justice, the highest court in the world, with respected jurists from across the globe had decided that the evidence showed that this was indeed a plausible case of genocide. Here was an indication that the JRC was far from an objective and disinterested party seeking to challenge prejudice by Saif or others, but rather, that its views might suggest uncritical support for Israel in disregard of international law.

As far as the JRC is concerned, it surely needs to focus on the real antisemitism out there at this moment which is a genuine and serious threat. By its misuse of claims of antisemitism to try to silence Palestinians, it is undermining its meaning and thereby increasing the danger to Jews.

In the meantime, the venue website still makes the claim it is creating “a HOME for people of all ages and backgrounds, including the communities on our doorstep”. For accuracy they should now add “except Palestinians and their supporters.”

Postscript. On 30th March, the Greater Manchester Friends of Palestine demonstration that has taken place every Saturday since 7th October, marched through city centre and assembled peacefully outside HOME to hear readings from Saif’s book of his experiences with his family in Gaza. It was a poignant moment and was accompanied by a declaration of solidarity with their staff and a powerful plea for HOME to reconsider and to reinstate the event.

JVL also contacted HOME for comment two days ago. We have not heard back.





Comments (11)

  • Linda says:

    The HOME organisers in this instance – a void where there ought to be informed, principled judgement. Purveyors of actual injustice. Then too much cowardice even to try to defend their actions to the victims and the people they’ve outraged. Despicable!

    I hope it’ll be possible to obtain from all the HOME organisers private and public apologies for what they’ve done; and a commitment to rescheduling the event very soon.

  • Neil G says:

    It breaks my heart, every time I see the decomposed bodies of children, ridden over by Zionist murderers in tanks, following their “withdrawal” from the square outside Al-Shifa Hospital. The video’s, pictures, articles in Quds News, Almayadeen and other outlets, show the utter barbarism and murder, akin to a satanic cult. Meanwhile, a Palestinian Artist is denied the right to recite extracts from his works and recant his story of his experiences in Gaza. Firstly, those pretending to speak for all Jews must be challenged face to face. Secondly, the cowards at “HOME” must answer for their denial of the right for Palestinians to be heard. By caving in to some self-appointed “spokesperson” is to be complicit in denial of atrocities committed by the Zionist entity. It comes as no surprise to us, but shows there is much work to be done to ensure Palestinian voices are heard. Like those in Gaza keep telling us: Don’t Stop Talking About Palestine. They shall not be silenced.

  • Naomi Wayne says:

    HOME’s behaviour was cowardly and pathetic. NOTHING reported in the above article justifies its cancellation of the Palestinian poetry event. Nevertheless, I always fail to see how comparisons made by anyone between the Holocaust and the treatment by Israel of the Palestinians help the Palestinian cause.

    Human history is full of appalling brutality, mass murder, brutal oppression, enslavement, wiping out of and/or expulsion of minorities. The Holocaust was far from the first attempt at extermination of ‘the other’, though the way it was planned, and its deployment of intensive and industrialised methods, marks it as a very particular kind of horror. Israel’s actions – subjugation of the Palestinians for over seven decades, its repeated assaults on Gaza, its ongoing mass murder in Gaza over the last six months and its far less noticed mammoth increase in murder and oppression on the West Bank – will take their place in the annals of the world’s worst state-committed crimes. Which is why the ICJ considers that Israel’s current actions may well fall under the international legal definition of genocide.

    However, both the scale and nature of the Holocaust and of the treatment of the Palestinians are self-evidently very different. To use the classic cliche – as different as comparing apples and oranges. In which case, shouldn’t we be asking – what does such comparison achieve?

    I don’t recall the treatment of the Rohingya or the slaughter in Rwanda or many other bestial behaviours towards nations, tribes, communities, religions, political opponents, minorities etc etc being compared to the Holocaust. What is being done to the Palestinians by the Israeli state – and has been done to them since before the Israeli state was founded – is surely both a continuous wrongdoing, and terrible enough to be judged on its own. No part of it needs the cloak of Holocaust comparison (even if not equivalence) in order to stand in the pantheon of humanity’s shame.

  • Linda Walker says:

    Thank you JVL. The voice of reason, empathy and justice as always.

  • John Bowley says:

    There are daily mass killings and destruction of homes and hospitals by Israel.

    Zionists continue to get away with shutting down alternative voices in Britain.

  • Sean O’Donoghue says:

    Time to get a new venue and with all this publicity, they’ll get a far bigger audience

  • Steven Taylor says:

    Shocking. You run out of words to describe the shutdown of opposition, resistance and culture. The tightening of censorship runs parallel with the genocide of Israel.

  • keith1942 says:

    Naomi Wayne’s comment have a certain validity. But the genocides of settler colonialism certainly bear comparison with the extermination policies of the Third Reich. These would include that in the Congo: against the native Americans in both North and South America: and by German colonialism against the Herero and Nama peoples. And Zionism is one more example of settler colonialism.

  • Eddie Dougall says:

    Added to the horror of Israel’s barbarity (genocide or massacre?) being inflicted on a captive Gaza, is that the horrors inflicted on Jews by the Nazis still allows the current Israeli administration to take the path they have chosen in regard to the captive people of Gaza.
    The spectacle of victim turned perpetrator, with the forthcoming highlights of ‘the gallant IDF’s achievements’, past and future published daily, adds a de facto declaration of immunity from external intervention, makes it sickening that Israel has descended to this nadir.
    Boycott Divestment and Sanctions should be applied to this rogue State and should be applied immediately. As the US is not going to cut off all aid, which could halt the massacre, sadly BDS seems all that can be done, but how many countries are prepared to do even this?
    BDS NOW!

  • Martin Cooper says:

    Well said.
    I read this on the day that several international aid workers, trying to deliver food to a starving, homeless, imprisoned and helpless population in Gaza are targeted and murdered by the IDF(This on top of the 30,228 Palestinians -mostly women and children killed since the most recent Israeli invasion began
    HOME is an extraordinarily ironic name for an institution which silences those who seek to protect and give voice to the Palestinian people- a people who lost their homes in 1948 and have had more and more of their remaining land stolen by violent “settlers” every single year since.
    Those who are silent in the face of self -evident war crimes, culminating in probable genocide, are themselves complicit.


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