Fighting antisemitism – where do we go from here?

A JVL members’ seminar with Antony Lerman speaking about his new book ‘Whatever Happened to Antisemitism?’

Lerman’s introductory presentation was followed by three short contributions raising the following questions before the session was thrown open to general discussion:

  • In what ways does the ‘new antisemitism’ narrative change the relationship between antisemitism and other forms of racism?
  • How does the so-called ‘new antisemitism’ differ from old forms of antisemitism? Was any notion of Zionism involved in old forms of antisemitism?
  • How can we start a conversation with other Jews who have become convinced of the dangers they face from Jews like us – the “wrong sort” of Jews?

The text of Lerman’s talk was previously posted on the JVL website here.

Here are links to the comments by Nira Yuval-Davis, Miriam David and Charlotte Williams . These are written versions of the talks and have not been checked against the actual talks as delivered from which there are no doubt some small variations.