Syed Siddiqi – another case of Labour party injustice

Syed Siddiqi (second from left)

JVL Introduction

The treatment of Syed Siddiqi, a Bangladeshi health worker active in his union and in Ilford South Labour Party, is a shameful testament to the racism long complained of by Black and Muslim party members.

His long suspension was one of the main cases covered in the leaked report into the party’s handling of antisemitism complaints, recently ratified by the Forde Report.

Despite continuing as a loyal and hard-working activist in Ilford South, Siddiqi has recently been suspended again. The latest action deprives MP Sam Tarry, who is himself fighting right wing efforts to prevent him standing again as parliamentary candidate, of a valued member of his team. We republish here Skwawkbox’s account of Siddiqi’s travails.


This article was originally published by Skwawkbox on Tue 6 Sep 2022. Read the original here.

Labour again suspends Islamophobia victim featured in leaked report

Ilford Muslim Syed Siddiqi was infamously suspended by the Labour party after being the victim of an anti-Muslim phone-call from a Labour figure. Siddiqi received the late-night call from the right-winger and had the presence of mind to record it:

In an outrageous response to Siddiqi’s complaint about the racism he suffered, the party suspended the right-winger – and Siddiqi, but the party’s right-dominated machine withheld the recording of the abuse from the National Executive Committee (NEC) ‘disputes panel’.

The right-winger was quickly reinstated so that he could again stand for election as a party member, while Siddiqi remained suspended for years. The case featured extensively in discussions by right-wingers exposed by the leaked Labour report, which notes:

Although the audio recording proved that X had engaged in aggressive Islamophobic abuse of Siddiqi, the recording did not evidence the claim that Siddiqi made a threat on the call, and the counter-complaints X submitted were mostly refuted by the Whatsapp evidence he himself supplied, [party official A] and [party official B] then lifted the suspension of X, and placed both him and Siddiqi “under investigation”.

All investigative attention was now turned on Siddiqi, however, with B proactively collecting and investigating even minor complaints, for example about CLP meetings being organised without enough notice, that were normally in the purview of Internal Governance, not Disputes. B even personally insisted to Siddiqi that X’s status as a local voting delegate to the CLP be accepted, but when Siddiqi was selected as a council candidate, B tried to get the Local Campaign Forum to re-interview him on the basis of information he provided…

…on 6 December 2017 GLU suspended Siddiqi, and he became the focus of all investigative efforts.
B worked to collect a range of complaints against Siddiqi, most of which were very minor. Although further complaints about X’s conduct at a CLP meeting were received in February 2018, however, alleging bullying and intimidation, no further action against him was taken.

Siddiqi’s suspension meant that, with an upcoming CLP AGM in February 2018, Siddiqi was no longer CLP Secretary and would not be able to stand again, and he could no longer be a council candidate. At the February 2018 AGM, X was then elected CLP Secretary in his placeB did not raise that there had been complaints about X, including an audio recording in which he used abusive and Islamophobic language, ahead of the election at the AGM, even though he had proposing submitting evidence on Siddiqi to the Local Campaign Forum and argued that he should be re-interviewed after he was selected as a council candidate.

Emails show that B instead worked with the regional office to ensure that the disciplinary case against X was not raised at the AGM. When complaints followed about X’s conduct at the meeting, B promised action but took none

It went on to describe the coordinated efforts of local right-wingers against Mr Siddiqi and the efforts of right-wing staffers to stitch him up while protecting his abuser.

The Forde Inquiry, long delayed, confirmed earlier this year that the leaked report revealed racism and a hierarchy of racism on the part of party right-wingers, including rampant Islamophobia.

Eventually reinstated, Skwawkbox has learned that Siddiqi was recently suspended again – local party members say over tweets defending the right of Labour members to complain of sexual harassment.

Siddiqi has also resigned his membership of the right-managed Unison union and has tweeted the news with an expression of disgust at the party’s continued promotion of local right-wingers, specifically Redbridge council leader Jas Atwal, who was suspended over ‘serious’ allegations of sexual harassment that were dismissed shortly after Keir Starmer took over the party leadership:

Mr Siddiqi declined to comment.

Comments (4)

  • Dave Putson says:

    Lets please note that JVL has now posted three articles in quick succession that show the Labour Party to have been taken over by Starmer’s Charlatans, nothing more, nothing less!!

  • Caroline Raine says:

    This is a new low. Clear evidence of racism yet the perpetrator is unscathed and the victim punished. The whole thing is clearly politically motivated and based around personal agendas of political ambition, nothing that Siddiqi did.. Alongside the article about Gary Ostrolenk it paints a distressing picture of both Jews and Muslims being at the heart of Starmer’s purge, and this in a Party that claims to oppose racism. Shameful.

  • Eddie Dougall says:

    The Forde Report: now there’s a thing. It was beginning to take on the aura of a fairytale, but no, it finally appeared after 2 years gestation. However what has resulted from its eventual publication? Sweet FA from the LP leader, who seems to pretend it is now of no importance. After all it is refers to events of over 2 years ago. I look to the fast approaching party conference. I don’t think KS does.

  • Eddie Dougall says:

    More evidence if it were needed that the Forde Report has somehow become a no-go area for the current party leadership. Evidence confirmed, but in a half-hearted manner by Forde, has as far as I know has triggered little if any action on the GLU (in particular) members who tried their level best to prevent a Corbyn and hence a Labour election victory. Surely this is the most serious political crime, harming Labour’s chances in a GE, yet what has happened. On a different scale to ‘bringing the party into disrepute’! The above series of actions taken by the right of Syed Siddiqi’s CLP and the NEC is a faithful echo of how so many have been expelled/suspended on nebulous antisemitism and other charges.


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