Jews Around The World Say “Stop The Gaza Nightmare”

Great Hall at the International Court of Justice

The International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine (IJCJP) is an organisation to which Jewish Voice for Labour is proud to belong.  It is made up of  Jewish organisations and associates from 14 countries across the globe.  We share experiences, learn from each other and, when relevant issue joint statements as one way to show that there are Jews throughout the world who stand for justice for Palestinians.  The list of countries represented is at the end of the statement below.

JVL has posted extensively about actions by Jews in other countries as well as the UK in support of Palestinian rights and to demand a Ceasefire in Gaza.  We have also posted extensively in support of the crucial action by South Africa to the International Court of Justice against Israel’s genocidal actions and the many statements by Israeli political and military leaders inciting genocide.

The Genocide Convention holds culpable those governments that fail to act to prevent genocide.  The statement mainly refers to the United States government and how it ignored the wishes of the majority of its citizens; support for a ceasefire in the UK is even stronger with at least 75% of the population in support.

On 11th and 12th January, the International Court of Justice in The Hague will hear the application by South Africa and arguments about it.  The detailed 84 page, submission can be read read here

What follows is the IJCJP’s short statement showing our support for South Africa’s action and the necessity to stop the bombing now!



The International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine (IJCJP)—an organization with Jewish organizational members and associates from 14 countries across the globe—deplores the continuing death and starvation being foisted on the people of Gaza by a vengeful and genocidal Israeli regime.  Statements this week by the Israeli government indicate the possibility that this war may go on through 2024, a prospect unimaginable in its horror.

We abhor the complicity of powerful governments that have failed to act vigorously to achieve a meaningful ceasefire, particularly the United States, which not only has bypassed its own normal fiscal procedures to fund this atrocious war on Gaza but prevented for weeks the delivery of desperately needed humanitarian goods through vetoes and abstentions at the United Nations.

We find it particularly reprehensible that this war is being conducted by the so-called “only democracy in the Middle East” and supported by the self-defined “greatest democracy in the world,” which has systematically ignored the views of 61 percent of its own citizens who support a permanent ceasefire.

As a community that is no stranger to calamity, we call on the world’s leadership to act immediately to halt the Gaza nightmare. Other states should follow the example of South Africa, whose initiative to charge Israel with genocide at the International Court of Justice we vigorously support.

Signed by:

International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine

Contact: Donna Nevel,

(Canada, U.S., U.K.,  Ireland, Germany, France, Luxembourg, South Africa, New Zealand, Israel, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Argentina)

Comments (3)

  • Linda says:

    A wonderful letter. A clarion call.

    I’m heartened that there IS such an organisation as the International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine (IJCJP), providing an international umbrella and support team for EVERYBODY working towards a better world.

  • JW says:

    Let’s hope that Russia and China vote on the merits of the case and don’t cave into US and Israeli pressure. The legal case is overwhelming but it is an irony that the year this legislation was passed saw the Nakba in Palestine and the imposition of apartheid in S. Africa – and so the vote will be heavily influenced by politics. Let’s hope the judges have the courage to honour the legislation.

  • Margaret E Johnson says:

    For decades it has been evident that the Zionist State of Israel intends to clear completely the land of anyone but ethnically verified Jewish people. now that DNA can be used to verify ethnicity only those who’s DNA proves Jewish ancestry will be allowed to become citizens. This automatically bars Palestinian people from being a citizen in their country of birth and ancestry. This is probably the most civilised and legal means of disinheriting Palestinians, without violence, in the constant landgrab that has taken place since 1948. the Division of land conceded to Palestinians in Gaza and The So called West Bank was another historical means of control after the Nakba. the persecution of Palestinians and attacks on the homes and land has been a consistent feature of life in the Land since 1948. The Kibbutz system installed military posts and cloaked them with a farming community subsidised and supported by the governing body to produce food by artificial means in a landscape unsuited to the crops by ordinary natural means. the original population being displaced by the Zionist destruction of their deep rooted trees producing crops for consumption and market. This was only one step away from the full scale violence we have seen committed in Gaza in the recent months when Hamas and others broke through the concentration camp walls to attack the Kibbutz and music festival that had been left undefended (some now say deliberately so) to take hostages. The carnage was obvious but the perpetrators of that carnage not so obvious until the lies of the Israeli Zionists were disproved by the evidence uncovered, corroborated by IDF personnel and survivors of the Israeli attack, hours later. The language of the Prime Minister and President of Israel has been genocidal from the beginning of the recognition of …

    [cut to our limit of 300 words – admin]


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