For the Many – Launching a new network

JVL introduction

Next Monday, October 9, will see the launch on the fringe of Labour Party conference in Liverpool of a hopeful new initiative which will appeal to the thousands on the left in despair at Labour’s betrayals and the absence of any realistic political alternative. The For the Many network whose aims and principles are set out below, offers a means to connect activists inside and outside the Labour Party or other political organisations, involved in the multiple struggles going on at the moment – in trade unions, right to food campaigns, Migrant Action, working to save the planet, fighting homelessness, defending free speech and so much more.

The live launch event is booking up fast but this appeal is not just for people who’ll be in Liverpool next week. Everyone who supports the principles that united the left pre-2020 is welcome – indeed encouraged! – to sign up and become part of a network of community based hubs that is already growing around the country.

Follow the network on Twitter/X and Facebook. 
You can get in touch directly by email:


An invitation from the For The Many network

These are harsh times.  Our public services are failing and those who work in them are badly treated.  Many face insecurity at work, anxiety for elderly relatives, and see youngsters starting life in debt or with few prospects.  For millions it is worse, with parents going without food so their children do not go hungry.

Even the comparatively secure worry what kind of world their children will inherit.  Will they find somewhere to live?  Is the climate catastrophe now irreversible? And will the world ever be at peace?

But people always fight back.  Across the country and in every community good people rally round to support their neighbours and help those in need.  We stand with health and care workers, teachers, railway and postal workers and all those facing similar problems.  We join the picket lines to support those on strike.

And then there are brave campaigns to save our environment and defend human rights here and abroad. We are collectively shamed by the hostile treatment of migrants and the racism that lies beneath it – opposition to all racism is at the heart of all our activities.

It is to link all these groups and campaigns that an alliance of grassroots organisations is being formed.  There are so many of us doing all we can to make life better and more secure, but often we work in isolation.  Think what we could do if we support and learn from each other, both regionally and nationally.

We need fundamental, structural changes.  The present system is rotten, it creates poverty for some, insecurity for many, and great wealth for the very few. Current politicians will change little, whether Tories, Liberals or Starmer’s Labour party.

For many of us, there was a moment of hope in 2017 when Labour had a programme to restore our public services, reassert rights at work, and put the interests of ordinary people first. It was a beginning.  However, we know what happened to destroy that hope.

Now we have to re-group and move on.  We propose a new way forward: an active alliance of grassroots organisations. We would unite around the principles that are at the heart of a just, sustainable society, in which all can live in peace and security.  These principles have been the demands that people have made over the centuries when they have faced exploitation and hardship. Then they were aspirations, now they are urgent and essential.


1. Public ownership of all public services and infrastructure, including utilities and transport.

2. A National Health and Social Care Service, fully funded from progressive taxation, which employs directly all who work in it. No sub-contracting, and no out-sourcing.

3. A major programme of council house building and regeneration to solve the housing crisis and to create communities that are sustainable both environmentally and socially.

4. High quality, state education to ensure all have an equal opportunity to fulfil their potential without incurring the burden of debt and an end to privatisation, for example academies and outsourcing.

5. Access to sports, leisure facilities and the arts available to all. We want Bread and Roses too!

6. Full employment rights for all workers from the first day of employment, and the repeal of anti-trade union legislation, in order to return power to union members.

7. A new Welfare State, in which those in need are not forced into poverty, and in which public service and the public good replace private greed in our national life.

8. A justice system accessible to everyone regardless of wealth, and the protection of civil liberties, such as freedom of speech and the right to protest.

9. Protection of the environment, with a serious plan for a just transition to a sustainable Green economy, fit for purpose to confront the impending catastrophe facing people and the planet.

10. Uncompromising opposition to all forms of racism and discrimination.

11. A foreign policy committed unequivocally to work for peace, the rule of international law and universal human rights, the rights of refugees, and a fair, non-racialised immigration system.

12. Transformation of the economic system in the interests of the people not corporate power, so that ‘workers by hand or by brain receive the full fruits of their industry’.

 What will our Grassroots Alliance do?

• We will be a link for the support groups, campaigns, unions and trades councils, political organisations, individuals and all who commit to the above principles.

• We aim to:

– Be a source of information and help to co-ordinate activities

– Provide papers, fact sheets and information to support events on particular issues

– Suggest speakers and events to bring groups together

– Organise larger, regional public events for discussion and taking decisions on how to advance the principles which have brought us together

• We will begin with our founding signatories and work for others to join us.

• We will organise locally and regionally, developing a network of community hubs.

• We are not a political party, but we intend to be a social movement.

• We do not ask that anyone should leave their present organisations or campaigns, simply commit to the twelve principles.

• We have always spoken of unity, but rarely achieved it.  For people who care about creating a just society, this is simply a beginning. There is nothing to lose by joining us but there is everything to gain.

What is a community hub?

• Our hubs are made up of members who have signed up to the principles of the founding charter.

What will the hub do?

• The aim of a hub is to engage with our local communities and create the space for discussions, share information and materials around the founding principles and build campaigns, hold public meetings, provide speakers and train others to become speakers at local events

• We will engage with political parties. We will engage with individuals and organisations that commit to our principles and sign up to join the hub/network.

• Parties and organisations who have our logo will act as the gold standard of recognising how we bring people back into politics and raise all our lives.

 Are there any positions that are elected and how often will elections take place?

• Yes, all positions in the hub will be elected on a 12-month basis; any current position holder will stand down after a 12-month period and won’t be able to stand for 12 months.

What roles are there in a community hub and can I still have input if I’m not in an elected position?

• Yes, all members of the hub have an equal voice. The roles will include a chair, a secretary, a membership secretary, a campaigns co-ordinator and a treasurer/fundraiser.

 How do unions fit in?

• We will support our fellow trade unionists in their struggles to improve and organise in our communities, helping build membership and workplace power.

 Will there be a national body?

• Yes, and each hub will elect a representative, but we recognise that this may need to change as we grow and would need to consider a different proposal in the future.

Will there be a conference?

• Yes, we intend to hold a conference as we move into a position of stability.

Is there a controlling group?

• Initially there needs to be a steering group so we can lay the foundations that the members will build on in the future.

Will one version of the hub fit all?

• No, we believe a framework with the principles and guidance will enable each hub to organise organically.


If you believe you have a right to a secure future for your loved ones, a society that delivers for the many instead of just the few, then join the movement that will put the people’s voice back into politics.

Please email us directly to add your name to our membership list. Sign up to connect with other members in your area.


Facebook: forthemanynetwork

Twitter:  @forthemany_net


Comments (28)

  • Ruth Gould says:

    Much needed

  • ALAN JONES says:

    Hope this takes off in a big way!

  • Keith White says:

    Sounds good to me….I’m in, sign me up. Ready to play a full part in this

  • michael murray says:

    You lay out a political programme and and then go on to say: “We are not a political party, but we intend to be a social movement.” While this country and its political class is going to hell in a handcart, that’s all we need: another talking shop.

  • Riaz Hussain says:

    About time, let’s do this!!

  • jenny mahimbo says:

    how long befofe the LP ban it?? Anyway, have asked to join – the freedom of being already expelled!

  • Barry HUGHES says:

    About time that we had an effective Opposition in Parliament as well as outside it. A response to the Blair betrayal of any respectability this country may have after its victory in World War II.

  • Judith Kelman says:

    This gives me hope. Hope that has been destroyed these past 4 years!

  • Martin Rudland says:

    The Green Party surely fits with this.
    Have you contacted them?

  • Dr Agnes Kory says:

    For me two names quarantee the meaning/purpose of this much needed movement: Ken Loach and Andrew Feinstein.
    Both have earned our unconditional trust.

  • Caroline Raine says:

    There have been so many attempts at left networks and all seem to fizzle out or split. I do hope this becomes a serious and uniying political force that goes from stregth to strength.

  • Mr T F Livin says:

    How will this organisation differ from The People’s Assembly, and what are the fundamental differences? Do you advise joining both?

  • Peter Jones says:

    Oh bliss! Oh joy! Great news! Wonderful! At last a movement where I have a political home.

  • Teresa Grover says:

    I can’t tell you how depressed I feel after the savage attack on a real Socialist & the traitors who then attacked us the genuine Labour voters! The StalinStarmer brigade have turned Labour into an EXTREMIST RIGHT WING PARTY & its fascist views & behaviour is abhorrent! We need to return to Socialist values! When Labour was born it had everyone from the working classes irrespective of race or religion north or south it was all about equality of health, wages, housing, education for all not just the rich, factory & land owners or politicians. Sadly outside political forces have taken Britain over & changed the rules about equality & Starmer has poisoned Labour with Conservative values! We must get back to what is rightly everyone’s right democracy, healthcare, education, decent housing & wages fit for purpose! This latest attempt to equalise our living standards is necessary it’s not a luxury we cannot allow fascist ideas to enter Britain!

  • Bernard McCoy says:

    We desperately need a new really left wing party,, that brings together all like minded people. so we can put up candidates for next election.

  • Elaine Lightfoot says:

    This is wonderful. I’ve been feeling politically cast adrift, and this will be a much needed force for good. X

  • Jane Clarke says:

    I’m in

  • Gary Howkins says:

    I am a member of the Breakthrough Party and have signed up for ‘Transform’ @tf_politics. Anything that helps to get a mass-membership socialist party for the working class into parliament gets my support.

  • Carol Brigham says:

    Good luck. I wish I could be in Liverpool.

  • Doug says:

    This will be a licence for the usual windbags to drone on stating the bleeding obvious but in loads of different places! We need a new socialist party, led by the members, a proper organisation, not an excuse not to have one. Social movements still need political representation not talking shops. The next idiot that suggests the Green Party should be fired with Elon Musk into the heart of the sun.

  • Dee Howard says:

    This seems to be the political heaven I seek after being chucked out of the LP for being too left wing , but unless it becomes a political party I fear if will fall apart like all the other attempts of unity on the left. We still need candidates to vote for in the GE and I’m not voting for either of the 2 Tory parties.

  • Rob Thornton-Kaye says:

    Here’s hoping they use this network to form a party so that we have a way to genuinely influence the government. Being a campaign group, sending petitions and marching in the streets means nothing to the tory parties.

  • Alan Henry says:

    The Tories are looking forward to their time in opposition. The have passed on a poison chalice, and are in a celebratory mood after their Nuremberg conference. I do not trust Starmer or Streeting, and find the whole political landscape thoroughly depressing.

  • pamela blakelock says:

    Nothing wrong with a network but to implement structural change and carry out nationalisations etc we need to learn the lessons of the failure of Corbynism. His manifesto was similar but was defeated by his concept of gradually reforming the system through Parliament, ie rwformism and Labourism, therefire he could not fight back against the Labour Right or the whole forces of the state, the media, the deliberate disinformation of the antisemitism smear which continues to be used as ‘The Big Lie’, an apt name for the pro Corbyn film. What do we learn from the destruction of the left inside the Labour Party? IMO the lessons of the coup in Chile, where Allende’s Popular Unity government was defeated by fascist force, organised by the US with British support. With Corbyn the state was able to disperse his movement with media disinformation and did not need to use the army. We need a proper revolutionary communist movement, openly discussing issues such as the above mentioned. I will be joining the network unless I am cancelled!

  • Eileen Rowbotham says:

    Looking forward to being involved.

  • Richard Lingard says:

    I totally agree with all the principles of the FOR THE MANY movement

  • David Holland says:

    I’m about to leave the Labour Party after 40+ years of involvement. I’m looking for other ways of expressing myself politically.

  • Mike Hall says:

    Great idea!


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