Another fine Na’amod initiative – against the BDS Bill

JVL Introduction

We’d like to draw readers’ attenton to this fine initiative by Na’amod, British Jews against the Occupation.

We hope that many of you will follow their initiative and send the model letter below, modified or not, to your MP, demanding they oppose the BDS Bill with its attack on our right to nonviolent political protest.

Na’amod says

Write to your MP and join us in stopping the #BoycottBill.

Let’s show our elected representatives that we do not want this bill passed, and we won’t allow them to use real Jewish fears for their political ends. 


On 27th November Na’amodniks gathered to send letters to local MPs demanding they oppose the BDS Bill that would stop public bodies participating in boycotts, divestments or sanctions: in short, the government is curtailing our right to nonviolent protest!


Write to your MP and join us in stopping the #BoycottBill. Let’s show our elected representatives that we do not want this bill passed, and we won’t allow them to use real Jewish fears for their political ends. 


  1. Copy or print off the draft text below;
  2. Write your local MPs name at the top;
  3. Write your name at the bottom, signed off with any personalisation e.g., ‘A concerned Jew’ or ‘a Na’amod organiser’;
  4. Send email using this website or place letter in an envelope addressed to your local MP;
  5. Take a screenshot/photo with your envelope, & post it on social media (@ your MP)!

✊💌 ✊💌 ✊💌 DRAFT MP LETTER BELOW ✊💌 ✊💌 ✊💌


I am writing as a Jewish constituent asking you to speak out against the draconian Boycott Bill proposed by the Conservative Party in the May 2022 Queen’s Speech.

This legislation would prevent public bodies participating in boycotts, divestment or sanctions that are out of line with UK foreign policy. Given our government’s support for regimes violating human rights including Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, this amounts to preventing public institutions from supporting human rights.

As well as constituting an infringement of our right to nonviolent protest, the bill specifically shrinks the space for activists to advocate for Palestinian rights and stand up against Israel’s brutal military occupation.

The government implies that the BDS Bill ensures Jewish safety. Stifling protest does nothing of the sort. Conflating Palestinian rights advocacy with antisemitism is not just racist against Palestinians but actively distracts from good-faith efforts to tackle anti-Jewish hatred. Instrumentalising the Jewish community for political gain only harms my community.

I am asking you to support Palestinian and Jewish voices alike by opposing this bill by any means available, and speaking out against the atrocities committed daily under the Israeli occupation. This is the first step towards achieving freedom, equality and dignity for all Palestinians and Israelis.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely, 

Comments (3)

  • michael Levine says:

    conflating antiSemitism with criticism of Israeli policy towards the Palestinians implies that all Jews support Israels oppression of the Palestinians. This antiSemitic in itself.

  • Noel Hamel says:

    Someone is clearly frightened that BDS will be effective. You don’t have to look far to find the culprits. This is another wheeze by Israel, Zionists and the Israeli lobby to postpone the day when the inevitable just outcome will arrive.

  • Naomi Wayne says:

    I have already sent an amended version of this letter to my MP in East Lewisham. It’s very easy to add in bits to keep it up to date – I included links to several of the IDF’s most recent outrages, for example. And if there is wording you don’t like, again, its not difficult to tweak. I really think it’s worth supporting this initiative from Na’amod


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