A Gut Yor – A Sweet New Year – Shana Tova

Look to the stars children! A vintage Rosh Hashanah card manufactured by the Williamsburg Art Company in the 1920s

New Year marks a new beginning and whether one is religious or secular, it brings a time for reflection and renewal.  In this spirit, we look and we see:  a time of division, inequality, grinding poverty being made worse by this government  and a democratic deficit.

For too long we abused the earth and, at last, in long overdue humility we recognise the wisdom of tribal peoples who tell us that mother earth will only serve us if we treat her with respect.

We see many with power and wealth acting only in their own selfish interests while those without resources tremble in the face of destitution. Some may even fall prey to those peddling greater authoritarianism, believing it offers some sanctuary from the buffeting winds., when in fact it will only add to all our problems.  We watch with concern the elections in Brazil and Italy, for example, as well as the ongoing wars, devastating impacts of climate change, oppression and occupation.

AS socialists, we cannot succumb to despair; this is not a false optimism but to take strength from the determination of so many across the world to continue the struggle against injustice – often at great risk to themselves.  These are the green shoots of hope, and, in these perilous times, we need to nurture them.

Tomorrow can be better than today but only by the collective efforts of all of us.  So in the spirit of this season, we wish everyone health, fulfilment and the strength to make each day count as we work together to create a fair world that works for everybody – with no one left out.

A Gut Yor

A Sweet New Year

Shana Tova