JVL Constitution

  1. Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL) is a Jewish-led organisation for members of the labour, trade union, socialist and progressive movements.
  2. Statement of Principles: This is the revised Statement of Principles as adopted on 18th June 2023.
  3. Full Membership: Full Membership is open to anyone who is Jewish and accepts the JVL Statement of Principles, and who agrees to act within its spirit and to pay any membership fee that may be set by the Executive Committee.
  4. Solidarity Membership: Solidarity membership is open to anyone who is not Jewish and accepts the JVL Statement of Principles, and who agrees to act within its spirit and to pay any membership fee that may be set by the Executive Committee.
  5. Participation at meetings: All members shall be entitled to attend and speak at AGMs, OGMs and SGMs.  Only full members shall be entitled to propose motions for discussion and to vote.
  6. Annual General Meetings: An annual general members meeting shall be held within 12 months of the inaugural meeting of JVL. Subsequent Annual General Meetings shall be held at intervals of not less than ten, and not more than fifteen months. The Annual General Meeting shall receive a report of the activities of JVL over the previous year, and a statement of its financial situation, to be presented by the Treasurer.
  7.  Election of Executive Committee and Officers:  The Annual General Meeting shall elect an Executive Committee consisting of Chair and Vice-Chair or two Co-Chairs; Treasurer; Secretary and such other officers as it may decide are necessary. Proxy voting is not allowed. The Executive Committee is responsible for the conduct of JVL between General Meetings. The quorum for meetings of the Executive Committee shall be five. Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall include a request for nominations to the Executive Committee positions and shall be sent to members no less than 2 weeks in advance. The Executive Committee may replace by cooption any Officers who resign between AGMs, and co-opt up to 2 members to fill new officer posts that are deemed necessary.
  8. JVL Council: There shall be a JVL Council whose role shall be advisory and whose purposes shall be to provide a representative forum for the discussion of issues relevant to JVL; to reflect on strategy and on political conditions and offer inputs to the Executive Committee arising from such discussions; and to generate possible initiatives for consideration by JVL. The Council shall meet at least twice between Annual General Meetings. The mode of election and/or appointment to the Council shall be determined from time to time at General Meetings.
  9. Local Groups: Local JVL groups may be formally recognised by the JVL Executive Committee. Such local groups will have rights and responsibilities as specified in their agreement document.
  10. Ordinary General Meetings: JVL members meetings shall be held at least once between AGMs. Proxy voting is not allowed. All decisions shall be by simple majority vote. Details of the meeting, including the text of any motion to be proposed, must be circulated to all members at least 2 weeks in advance.
  11. Special General Meetings: A special general members meeting shall be held at the request of the Executive Committee or of one-quarter of the full members of JVL. Motions for decision at an SGM may be proposed either by the Executive Committee or by two or more members. Motions must be circulated to all members 2 weeks ahead of the date of the meeting. Proxy voting is not allowed. The meeting will consider only the business specified in the notice.
  12. Quorums: The quorum for all General Meetings shall be 20% of the full membership or 30 full members, whichever is the smaller.
  13. Changes to this Constitution: Changes to this Constitution may be made at Annual General or Special General Meetings. Such proposed amendments must have been circulated to all members 2 weeks ahead of the meeting. To pass they must secure a 2/3 majority of those voting.
  14. Bank Accounts: The Executive Committee shall be empowered to open and operate bank accounts on behalf of JVL and to set membership fees in consultation with the members. Such accounts may be operated by any single nominated officer.
  15. Auditors: Auditors must be appointed by a resolution at a General Meeting of JVL. Executive Committee members are not eligible for appointment as auditors.
  16. Inappropriate Conduct: If the Executive Committee consider there are grounds for believing that a JVL member has engaged in conduct that is disruptive of the work of JVL; or has expressed opinions that conflict fundamentally with JVL’s statement of principles; or has behaved in such a way as to bring JVL into disrepute they may suspend the individual from membership. Further action will be taken in accordance with a procedure to be established by the Executive Committee and regularly reviewed and updated.
  17. Dissolution: The organisation may be dissolved by a two-thirds majority vote at a properly convened Special General Meeting, at which dissolution is the only item on the agenda. If, after three attempts, it remains impossible to call a quorate meeting, those remaining active members may dissolve the organisation by a majority vote. In the event of dissolution, any remaining assets shall be transferred to another group or body whose purposes and activities are broadly congruent with those of JVL. A decision on the recipient shall be made by simple majority vote of members present at the meeting which decides on dissolution.


As amended at the AGM on 3 December 2023