Affiliating to JVL

Get your trade union or Labour party branch or CLP to affiliate to JVL

Here are a couple of model resolutions to propose at Labour party or trade union branches

Model resolution to put to your Labour party branch/GC

This Branch/GC, noting that Jewish Voice for Labour, launched at the Labour Party conference in September 2017

  • stands for rights and justice for Jewish people everywhere, and against wrongs and injustice to Palestinians and other oppressed people anywhere;
  • takes inspiration from the long history of Jewish involvement in the trade-union movement and in antiracist and antifascist struggles, including the anti-apartheid and civil-rights movements, and aims to strengthen the labour movement in its opposition to all forms of racism including antisemitism, broadening the movement’s appeal to all sections of British society;
  • aims to contribute to making the Labour Party an open, democratic and inclusive party, encouraging all ethnic groups and cultures to join and participate freely;

Resolves to affiliate to Jewish Voice for Labour.


Additional information: the annual affiliation fee for CLPs is £25 and for individual branches £5

Model resolution to put to your trade union branch

This Branch, noting that Jewish Voice for Labour, launched at the Labour Party conference in September 2017

  • stands for rights and justice for Jewish people everywhere, and against wrongs and injustice to Palestinians and other oppressed people anywhere;
  • takes inspiration from the long history of Jewish involvement in the trade-union movement and in antiracist and antifascist struggles, including the anti-apartheid and civil-rights movements, and aims to strengthen the labour movement in its opposition to all forms of racism including antisemitism, broadening the movement’s appeal to all sections of British society.
  • aims to contribute to making the Labour Party an open, democratic and inclusive party, encouraging all ethnic groups and cultures to join and participate freely;

Resolves to affiliate to Jewish Voice for Labour.


Additional information: the annual affiliation fee for trade-union districts/regions and branches with more than 400 members is £25, and for smaller branches £5


Comments (4)

  • Michael Westcombe says:

    Hey, Comrades – I am speaking to the Union motion at Unite Community, Camden on Wed 13th. June. I would welcome any input that you can give me. Thanking you in advance.

  • Alice Bondi says:

    My branch voted to affiliate last night – who do we send the motion to and to whom/what account do we pay our affiliation fee? Also, what does affiliation give us as a branch? I don’t mean we’re trying to get goodies out of it, but I need to explain how it benefits the members beyond feeling good!

  • Simon Lynn says:

    This evening we voted to affiliate Leabridge Ward LP (Clapton, London E5) to JVL! The secretary of the ward will follow this through.

  • Glyn Secker says:

    Great, and a warm welcome.

    Many thanks.


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